Sep 2, 2008

What A Weekend!!

What a great night we had this past Sunday at the 6pm service. The new Parachute Band was fantastic - not a show, but a really worshipful experience. Its amazing how God's presence fills a space that is created with expectation and hearts lifted to Jesus.
Even better than that though was seeing people respond to the Gospel message. It always stirs me with such excitement!

By the way, don't forget to vote for Parachute on the New Zealand music awards by sending a free text saying, 'Vote Parachute Band' to 787. You can also check the website out HERE.

This weekend in the 6pm service we are starting a new series called 'How To Be Rich'... now with a title like that this series will either entice you or leave you wondering weather this series in for you. Let me encourage you that this series is not what you think...

In fact, if you click HERE you will find a great read about a speech that Bill Gates made to Harvard Uni students.
What a fantasic spirit... one that the church should always display!

As we enter into September and our month of CIA (church in action), I encourage you to look around and see how you can be a blessing to your world. I can't wait to hear what Eastsiders are getting up to as wee seek to bless those around us.

I leave you with one of my life Scriptures:
Gen 12:2-3

2 "I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."

Godspeed & Kaizan

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