Nov 25, 2008

Does God Take?

Does God sometimes take things out of us, for the purpose of creating something different with it, so that he may give it back to us in a greater form?
Take Adam for instance. When he was created God brought all the different animals to him to name, but it was scene that there was no suitable helper for him. So God put Adam to sleep and took one of his ribs…that’s right just one rib. In Gen 2:22 “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.”

God had to removed something from Adam – a rib so that he could form a woman to partner with Adam.
What does God see lacking in your life? Does he need to take something out of you that he may fashion something greater out of it? and then return it to you to help you fulfill your purpose.

For me, God took the pain and shame caused by my past – a massive wound and brought healing to it that today I can be proud of the scare that I bear from my past as it is a reminder of what God has done in my life. He took my shame and made something greater out of it – FREEDOM and HEALING!

Does God sometimes take things out of us, for the purpose of creating something different with it, so that he may give it back to us in a greater form?

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe He does - and sometimes what He takes out of us might be something we want to hold onto! I found myself in a bit of a tug of war with God over this. He was clearly leading me one way and I was holding onto the old way for dear life because that was what I wanted at the time. When I eventually chose to submit peace was restored and I was able to see that God's way gave me so much more, and enabled me to be so much more, than I would have been if I had done it my way. In bringing myself in line with God's way I too have found freedom and healing - and a testimony to the wisdom of our God.